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Texas Health Surgery Center Cleburne

Plastic Surgery

Plastic (or cosmetic) surgery is the process of reconstructing or repairing parts of the body, either to treat injury or for cosmetic reasons.

Knowing What to Expect

Preparing for surgery can feel overwhelming or scary if you don’t know what to expect. You may have some unanswered questions and worries that make you feel this way. Knowing what to expect will help you feel less nervous and more in control.

Am I Eligible for Plastic Surgery?

You’re likely a good candidate for cosmetic surgery if you:

  • Are healthy
  • Know the risks involved
  • Have reasonable expectations about the procedure

You may not be considered eligible for plastic surgery if you have health problems, such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Alcoholism
  • High blood pressure
  • A bleeding disorder
  • Heart disease
  • A mental health condition

If you have any of the above, your plastic surgeon might ask you to make some changes to your lifestyle before being considered for surgery. For example, if you’re a smoker, you may need to quit two to four weeks before surgery and avoid smoking for two to four weeks after the procedure.

Before your procedure, your plastic surgeon will talk to you in-depth about your health, your lifestyle (including how often you exercise, drink, and smoke), and any medications or supplements you take. (Even vitamins or herbal products can affect bleeding or interfere with the medications used for plastic surgery, so be sure to mention these to your medical professional.) This discussion is different depending on the type of work you want done and will give an idea of whether plastic surgery is a good option for you.

What Plastic Surgery Procedures Does Texas Health Surgery Center Cleburne Offer?

Breast Reconstruction

Breast reconstruction is the creation of a new breast shape using surgery. Your plastic surgeon takes tissue from another part of your body or uses prosthetic material to construct a new, natural-looking breast. This procedure is primarily carried out following a mastectomy, the surgical removal of the whole breast or part of it usually after a diagnosis of breast cancer.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation enlarges your breasts, usually by means of an implant filled with silicone or a solution of saltwater (saline) that is the same concentration as the body. You have options when it comes to your breasts’ size, shape, and profile (how far they stand out from your chest).

Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

A breast lift removes extra, loose skin from your breasts. It also lifts and reshapes them, so they have a more youthful look.

Breast Reduction (Mammoplasty)

You may choose to have a surgical procedure to reduce the size of your breasts, either for health or aesthetic reasons. Breast reduction surgery can change the shape and droop of the breasts.

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

An abdominoplasty improves the shape of your tummy area (abdomen). It can involve removing fat and loose skin and tightening abdominal muscles. It’s especially effective when excess skin can’t be shed with exercise.


Liposuction (or simply lipo) is plastic surgery that uses suction to remove fat from the body in order to change its shape. It is most effective for people whose weight is normal and who have firm, elastic skin.

The technique commonly removes unwanted fat deposits from the hips but can also target the:

  • Neck
  • Arms
  • Tummy
  • Loins
  • Thighs
  • Inner side of the knees
  • Ankles


Rhinoplasty, otherwise known as a nose job, is a form of plastic surgery used to reduce the size of your nose or correct and reconstruct its shape, perhaps after an accident.

Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

In order to make the eyelids look more youthful, muscles can be tightened, fat can be transferred to them, or they can be lifted. The goal is to improve hooded or droopy eyelids.

Brow Lifts

During this cosmetic procedure, your plastic surgeon will lift your forehead in order to smooth the area and give you a younger look. Your eyebrows will also be repositioned.


Ear correction surgery (otoplasty) is plastic surgery that alters the size or shape of your ears. It can involve pinning your ears back if they stick out. This procedure tends to be carried out on children or teenagers, although many adults opt for it too. An otoplasty isn’t suitable for children younger than five, as their ears are still developing.


A facelift (or rhytidectomy) is a cosmetic surgery that tightens and lifts the loose skin below your eyes.

Neck Lift

A neck lift (platysmaplasty) is the same procedure as a facelift but reshapes the skin around your neck and jaw.

What Is the Process for Getting Plastic Surgery at Texas Health Surgery Center Cleburne?

First, you’ll schedule an appointment. Then, to speed up the check-in process, you’ll fill out your registration form online before the date of surgery.

A day before your plastic surgery, a surgery center staff member will call you to review special instructions and answer any questions you have.

When you arrive at our medical center, we’ll check you in at the registration desk, verifying your personal and insurance information. We’ll also ask you who will be escorting you home.

After check-in, you’ll be taken to the pre-op area, where the nurse will conduct a health interview and prep you for surgery. Once this interview is over, your escort may join you in pre-op until it’s time for your procedure. An anesthesiologist will discuss anesthesia with you. When it’s the appropriate time, you’ll be brought to the operating room.

During your plastic surgery procedure, your escort will stay in a waiting area. They’ll join you in the recovery room after you wake up from anesthesia.

Get Prepared With Our Checklist

Post-Op Care at Texas Health Surgery Center Cleburne

Licensed and registered nurses will provide postoperative plastic surgery care. They are experienced in plastic surgery to ensure you recover well from both the surgery and the anesthesia.

During this post-op period, our nursing team’s primary aim is to re-establish your physiologic balance. This is your fluid intake and output, optimal respiratory and cardiovascular function, and mobility. We will also help you with pain management and prevent any complications.

Once these aims are achieved, we’ll discuss your discharge and and your post-op health with both you and your caregivers or family members. Our goal is for your support network to return home with you, feeling fully informed and prepared about how to best aid the rest of your recovery.

Does Insurance Cover Plastic Surgery?

Your health insurance provider may cover plastic surgery, depending on the terms and conditions of your health plan. Much of it comes down to whether the surgery is cosmetic, reconstructive, essential to body function, or an improvement on your quality of life. Please refer to the plans that we accept, and speak with your insurance company.

Insurance Plans We Accept

Why Should I Choose Texas Health Surgery Center Cleburne for My Plastic Surgery?

The care team at our medical center are long-standing experts in their field. Highly experienced nurses and technicians provide top-notch care in a warm, caring environment.

Meet Our Plastic Surgeon

Kiran Polavarapu, M.D.
Dr. Polavarapu is a Board-certified plastic surgeon, specializing in aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery. She was born in the Midwest but raised a Texan. For medical school, Dr. Polavarapu attended University of Missouri-Kansas City and earned a combined B.A.-M.D. She then completed her residency in general surgery from a Harvard training program at Beth Israel Deaconess in Boston and her fellowship training in cosmetic/aesthetic surgery at the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary under renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Donald Wood-Smith.

Dr. Polavarapu is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. She’s best known for her southern charm and exceptional care.

Office Address:
5701 Edwards Ranch Road, Suite 113
Fort Worth, Texas 76109